2. 동업자임. 같은 방향을 바라보는 사람과 일하면 성공 확률이 높아집니다.
3.가족 또는 부부 사업.가족 동업자임입니다.
4. 작은매장.가족같은분위기에일하면관계를잘맺을수있습니다.
5. 연합. 연합은사람들이서로다름회사에서일하지만정보를공개하는것입니다.
6.영화회사. 특별한기능이없는사람들을위한좋은방법입니다.
7. 통신사업가.돈을많이벌수있는기회입니다.
8. 스타트업.
9. 분류
10.트위터같은회사. 정보를빨리전달할수있는업체.번역=아이나 아타셰바 미디어 아카데미 명예기자 겸 인턴기자
[영상보기]상사가 될 수 있는 10가지 방법
1: You can be the only employee, like Matt Drudge. It can be need unique kind of personality but there is probability.
2: The partnership. The example is openshop studios which is owned by two persons. It is very powerful.
3: The husband and wife team, like The Daily Lit. It is fascinating, it is based on the partnership.
4: The boutique, like Union Square Ventures. We get a small office and like to keep that way in 3-7 people. It is
warm and family-like, which is related to the relationship.
5: The federation, like Allen and Company. The alien company means even though employees belongs to their own companies, but they share some information and facilities.
6: The project, like filmmakers and authors. Many people can do it. It is a very good model for people who do not
have very special skills.
7: The mobile entrepreneur, like Hype Machine. Boss can earn much money.
8: The startup, like Red Stamp.
9: The breakout, like Foursquare.
10: The company, like Twitter. The information is booming fast, which would spend a lot of time to manage./유위링 미디어아카데미 명예기자
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