[Dreams Come True]5. 이야기를 올바르게 하는 법

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  • Dreams Come True

[Dreams Come True]5. 이야기를 올바르게 하는 법

  • 승인 2016-10-11 14:33
  • 세종=이경태 기자세종=이경태 기자
▲ 출처=테드 영상 캡쳐
▲ 출처=테드 영상 캡쳐

우리가 의식적으로 소리를 만들고, 소비하고, 우리의 모든 환경을 소리에 맞게 의식적으로 설계한다면 세상은 어떤 모습일까요?

아름다운 소리가 나고 모두가 이해하는 것이 보편적인 세상이 될 것입니다.

줄리언 트레저는 상대방과 이야기를 나눌 때 버려야 될 습관 그리고 이것을 긍정적으로 생각해볼 수 있는 방법을 자세하게 설명해 주었습니다.

이 동영상을 무대에 서서 강연을 하기 전에, 청혼을 하기전에, 봉급 인상을 요구하기 전에, 결혼 축사를 하기 전에 보면 큰 도움이 될 거라 믿습니다. 번역=아이나 아타셰바 미디어 아카데미 명예기자 겸 인턴기자

[영상보기]이야기를 올바르게 하는 법

In this distracting world, all kinds of sounds can be very annoying to us since we are busy with our fast-paced life.

Many of us have the experience that when we are talking the listener looks distracted and not interested.

Before I watched this video, I have ever thought that sound can be trained and utilized to make this world a beautiful place.

Both in personal life and public setting, speaking effectively and powerfully is always critical. If you are struggling with having a powerful conversation or public speech, this video would help you to improve with some easy simple tips.

Julian Treasure, an expert of sound, studies and advises business on how to best use sound to have effective and powerful communication with people.

In the video, he concluded that people easily fall into some bad habits when we talk.

When I reflect on them, I myself, to some extent, have some of the problems in question.

Gossip, judging, negativity, complaining, excuses, lying, and dogmatism are the seven bad habits that he suggested in the speech.

It is so true that no one is really into all these negative, untrue, dishonest talks. These might also account for all the ineffective we had in our daily life.

If we aim to improve our communication skills, the first step is to examine our own bad habits in talks.

But how to change it? He also gave the suggestions.

Be honest, when we talk we should be clear and straight to ourselves as well as the listeners.

Be authentic, just being ourselves when we talk is one of the best strategies to make people listen to us.

Integrity, be a person when can be trusted and suit the actions to words.

Love, speak with good will and best wishes. If we keep the four important principlesin mind, we might find it not difficult to make powerful speech or conversation.

Of course, people are different; it might be easy for some people while hard for some at the same time.

Fortunately, he provided an incredible toolbox that few people opened it.

Register refers to locate voice in different parts of body to show your attitude towards something or somebody.

Timbre, practice to get a warm, smooth and rich voice.

Because that makespeople interested. Pay attention to prosody and play the magic with it in speech.

Pace, pace properly according to the situations, right speed emphasizes the points. So does sound volume.

I love the thought of creating sound consciously and consuming sound consciously and design our environment consciously for sound.

It is a wise thought indeed. The problem that we cannot have powerful conversation or speech is that we speak not well to the people who are not listening in the environment filled with noises.

But the world itself does fit for a powerful talk. We just need some techniques to engage people with passion and love.

And at the same time, when we listen we listen carefully and consciously. 유위링 미디어 아카데미 명예기자

<이 기사는 지역신문발전위원회의 지원을 통해 작성됐습니다>

중도일보(www.joongdo.co.kr), 무단전재 및 수집, 재배포 금지

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